In this PA archery hunt watch the story unfold of Jason’s giant Pennsylvania buck the first week of the PA archery season!

Chasing A Giant PA Archery Buck – PA Archery Hunt

This season began like many others, scouting, hanging stands, food plots, etc.. But one very different thing about this season was, it was my first year implementing the use of Moultrie Cellular Trail Cameras.  

Hunting Pennsylvania can be tough. It’s a high pressure state with a ton of hunters. That being said, over the years with the antler restrictions put in place, we have been consistently seeing more bigger bucks every year.  

My season began with a ton of hard work planting over 27 different food plots.  Some of these plots in very difficult to reach areas. When the cellular trail cameras came out, I jumped at the opportunity to place a few in some of my most remote areas. One of these particular spots was called the Tower Plot. An area I generally always refrained from hunting until the rut. Mainly because it was very difficult to reach, so when I hunted it, I usually spent the entire day. Also because it is located directly in the middle of some very thick bedding area. I planted one of my favorite blends, Whitetail Institute Fusion with a nurse crop of oats. 

Over the month of August, I got the usual doe and smaller buck photos. But around the second week of September a giant PA buck started showing up every evening in the plot. This really got my blood pumping as I was able to shoot a 154″ buck about 500 yards away in a different plot that did the exact same thing as this buck only 3 years earlier. So hopes were high he would continue this pattern until archery season began at the beginning of October. 

Fortunately this buck continued with this pattern and the first day of season arrived. While I mentioned before that this stand was primarily a rut stand for me when I wanted to aggressively hunt near the bedding area, but when you get a buck like this patterned, all the rules go out the window. And I was getting trail cam photos of this buck from my Moultrie Mobile Cellular Trail Camera almost every day. 

The first day of archery season finally arrived and I would be heading in after him!  It was a beautiful evening and I had deer around me all evening. But that ended up being a bad thing, as eventually one of the does saw or smelled something she didn’t like and blew out of the plot. It was devastating. I thought that was it, I may not get another chance at a buck like this. 

I initially planned on giving the stand a week or so off in hopes he would come back. But lucky for me, my camera sent me a pic of him the very next night back in the plot. Needless to say, the rest is history. I went back in the following evening and shot my second biggest buck ever, a 150″ PA stud, right before dark! 

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